четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

Fed: Govt says united on greenhouse front despite report

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Govt says united on greenhouse front despite report

The federal government is boasting a united front in its approach to the Kyoto Protocol
climate change treaty, while a key report highlights some differences among MPs.

Industry Minister NICK MINCHIN says the government has retained its long-held agreement
with the US that developing nations must participate in the Kyoto Protocol.

Last week US President GEORGE BUSH indicated he wouldn't ratify the protocol as it stood.

The US stance was reportedly echoed by Foreign Minister ALEXANDER DOWNER, Senator MINCHIN
and Agriculture Minister WARREN TRUSS, while being downplayed by Environment Minister

The government is yet to announce whether it will ratify the treaty in Bonn in July,
but believes it will collapse without the US - the world's largest producer of greenhouse

Senator HILL will travel to the US next week in a bid to salvage the world stalemate
between the US and other parties, such as Europe.

AAP RTV lm/daw/hn/psm r


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